Got a question? We're here to answer it. If you don't see you question here, simply contact us HERE!! or give us a call/text at 615.854.8486

What makes Droppin' J.E.M.S Different?
Droppin' J.E.M.S gives a wholistic approach with education, starting with the foundation. With many principals set in the knowledge of Child Development, we approach families and schools and encourage them to start there, to ensure that our children receive the best education, love, nurture and care as possible.
Do You Offer Tutoring Everywhere?
Yes. In some states we offer in person and online tutoring, and in other states, we offer online tutoring only. Currently we are offering in person tutoring in Nashville, Chicago and Dallas only.
What is Droppin' J.E.M.S approach to tutoring?
We meet the children where they are, and pull them up to the level they need to be, and continuously work with them to push them further past their level. We do this by building relationships with the students and their families. Teaching them and their parents. Helping to advocate for them within the schools. Our teachers find the best way to teach your students based upon their strengths and work to improve their weaknesses.
What age group do you teach?
We start as low as 3 years old, all the way up to college and adult learners who needs help in specific areas.
​What makes Droppin' J.E.M.S tutoring services different?
We are the only tutoring service that will start working with children in person under the age of 5. Our in person tutoring services at our designated locations in various states offer a weekly rate for tutoring that gives the parents more flexibility and hours of tutoring services. We want to help the children thrive as much as possible, without hitting our parents' pockets too much. With the weekly rate, parents can get up to as much as 15 hours of tutoring during the school week.
Do you all offer tutoring on the weekends?
Yes we do, but it is based upon the tutors schedule and special request from the parents. All tutoring services are based upon first come first serve until we are completely booked.
​Do you offer free tutoring services?
No we do not. All of our tutoring services comes with a fee.
Do you accept vouchers from the state for tutoring services?
It depends on the state. Currently the only state where parents can receive tutoring services from us and the state will pay us is the state of North Carolina. If you have questions on how you can receive these services from us, please give us a call.
Does Droppin' J.E.M.S Parent Education classes teach you how to be a parent?
No! Our parent education classes are to teach you how to tap into you organic natural teaching capabilities. Our classes are also here to teach you how to advocate for your children in school and give important information and insights on the education system as a whole.
Are your Parent Education classes on YouTube?
No! Our parent education classes are exclusive to members only, and those who show up for the free online classes, or those who book us for parent education classes only. You have to be there or pay to receive these good JEMS we be Droppin'!
I'm a school, can Droppin' J.E.M.S tutoring services get contracted out to the schools?
Yes we can. You will have to contact Droppin' J.E.M.S to iron out the details as all contractual or consulting services are tailored made to the business.
What does Droppin' J.E.M.S mean when they say their services are tailored made?
​It means that we tailor the contract of services for a specific business, community center, childcare or anyone who would like to receive ay of our services, based upon the need of the person who is wanting to receive our services. It will depend on what is needed, how long and how much hands on help will be received. Because of this, we can't give a basic set price for services. We will look to work within your budget as much as possible.
Does Droppin' J.E.M.S travel to help centers and small businesses?
Yes we do for a fee. All contractual services will be discussed and agreed upon before hand.
How long Does Droppin' J.E.M.S conduct consulting for childcares?
It depends on the shape of the center. We usually recommend anywhere between 3-6 months to get the center to the desired change that they will like to see. We will be there with you every step of the way.
How do I become a B2B Partner?
​All B2B partners have to go through a screening, and have to offer something that will be valuable in the realm of education or business. If you would like to know if your business meets the qualifications, please give us a call.
I'm a childcare or small business that needs help, Can I solicit Droppin' J.E.M.S services?
​Yes you may. We encourage you to, as we want all businesses that work with children to scale and grow and continue to do great work in the community.
Are Droppin' J.E.M.S Services Exclusive?
​Yes they are exclusive to those who see the value in education and want to learn only! We only give certain access to information and help to our clients.